¬ÝªO: education ¡· ±Ð¨| -- ¦Ê¦~¤j­p    ªO¥D:
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µo«H¤H: Caronte <estoes@otra.es>, ¬ÝªO: education
¼Ð  ÃD: Re: MI5 Persecution: Website Index (2611)
µo«H¯¸: Your Company (Fri Jan 19 09:33:40 2007)
Âà«H¯¸: Lion!news.nsysu!news.ccu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!newsfeed-0.progon.net!progo

 dijo el 19 ene 2007  a Caronte algo asi como

> Persecuted by the Security Service
> Since June 1990 the British security service MI5 has waged a campaign
> of harassment against a UK citizen, through the broadcast and print
> media, verbal abuse at work, and molestation in public and during
> travel.
> Despite widespread knowledge of the campaign in the UK and discussion
> of its characteristics on Usenet for over three years, it continues
> today both in Britain and North America. Its cause and basis is
> xenophobia on the basis of the genetic accident of mental illness,
> coupled with discrimination against an inferior "foreigner" whom they
> condemn as "not up to British Standards".
> If this is your first visit to this site, please read the FAQ first.
> Feel free to contact the author with any questions.
> Frequently Asked Questions article outlines the parameters of the
> persecution. Who is involved, and why? What technical and social means
> do they employ? What response have I made, and why has their campaign
> yet to be exposed?
> The UK Security Services which are believed to be behind it all.
> Domestic security is the province of MI5 while the secret intelligence
> service MI6 combats foes (and its former employees) on foreign shores.
> Usenet archive chronicling the (sometimes very enthusiastic) exchanges
> which have taken place on UK-local newsgroups since May 1995. Make
> your mark on the continuing discussion!
> Believe it or not, a few items of evidence have been recorded.
> Although none of them is particularly conclusive, by presenting them I
> hope to explain what I understand from some television and radio
> programmes. Most of the "clinching" material was aired in 1990-92, and
> no recordings exist now, which is quite unfortunate.
> My complaints to the BBC and MI5 (via the Security Service Tribunal
> and Interception of Communications Tribunal), and their response to my
> challenges, are recorded here. Basically they deny everything, they
> have put their denials (mostly - Buerk and Lewis refused) in writing,
> and I don't believe them. Part of the website also documents media
> coverage of my campaign to expose the persecution.
> Faxed articles to, and responses from British organisations including
> Parliament and UK media. Over 24,259 faxes in all were sent from 1998
> to 2000. Their aim was to boot discussion of the persecution into the
> public domain, and that aim was not accomplished.

The group for this type of announcement is auna.sociedad.problemas where
they answered to him his exhibition.

Salu2 8-{}

Largo es el camino de la enseñanza por medio de teorias; breve y eficaz
por medio de ejemplo. (Seneca)

Utiliza auna.ocio.granhermano, para anunciar o pedir publicaciones,
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