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發信人: "thegoodoil" <info@lucjasgateway.com.au>, 看板: advancededu
標  題: 畢業認為移居, 學習或開始事務在澳洲
發信站: BigPond Internet Services (Tue Oct  3 06:35:00 2006)
轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.ccu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!news.glorb.com!quokka.wn.co

????移居, ??或?始事?在澳洲

Migrants looking to set up business or just move to Australia for help with
housing, property purchase and development, or just a house and land package
for investment or as a home.

Tourists, travelers , backpackers, students trying to stretch the dollar.


and just where everything is in the scheme of thing when it!|s Melbourne.

And just where everything is location, rail maps, tram maps in  Melbourne.


or if you want to start a home business try


或如果您是正?感?幸???抽?券的?中一?和?得一?自由$5 ??。

Or if you are just feeling lucky click on one of the lotto tickets and earn
a free $5 account.

Or go for a house and car on the Gold Coast.

If you are just looking to invest in house and land packages, acres or land
for housing, flats or age developments.

如果您是正?看投?在房子和土地包裹里, 英?或土地?住房、??甲板或年??展。
如果您是正義看投資在房子和土地包裹裡, 英畝或土地為住房、艙內甲板或年齡發展。

Or for fun in the sun and solid property investment go to:

for a start, contact us for more.
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