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發信人: glory.bbs@bbs.cis.nctu.edu.tw (Glory), 看板: astronomy
標  題: MIT 的網上通俗天文課程
發信站: 交大資科_BBS (Mon Oct 21 18:50:25 2002)
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12.409 Hands-On Astronomy: Observing Stars and Planets, Spring 2002


1  Course Information  First Handout - (HTML) (PDF)
2 Care and Feeding of Your Observing Notebook Second Handout - (HTML) (PDF)
3 Meade 8" LX200 Set-up Third Handout - (HTML) (PDF)
4 Can We Observe x Tonight? Fourth handout - (HTML) (PDF)
5 "Chez 12.409" Menu for Spring 2002 Fifth handout - (HTML) (PDF)
6 Observing Tips Sixth handout - (HTML) (PDF)
7 Useful Optics Information Seventh handout - (HTML) (PDF)
8 CCD User's Guide Eighth handout - (PDF)
9 Basic CCD Image Processing Ninth handout - (HTML) (PDF)
10 The LX200 Object Library Tenth handout - (HTML) (PDF)
11 Color Imaging Eleventh handout - (PDF)
12 Solar Observing Twelfth handout - (HTML) (PDF)

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 * Origin: ★ 交通大學資訊科學系 BBS ★ <bbs.cis.nctu.edu.tw:>
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