¬ÝªO: astronomy ¡· ¤Ñ¤åª¾ÃÑ    ªO¥D: vega1
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 130/2572 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^
µo«H¤H: "Kall, Mogens" <mogenskall@ikke.til.raadighed.dk>, ¬ÝªO: astronomy
¼Ð  ÃD: Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director, SETI - sugges
µo«H¯¸: Customer of Tiscali A/S (Sun Mar 16 22:03:57 2003)
Âà«H¯¸: Lion!news.nsysu!news.civil.ncku!netnews.csie.nctu!maily.cic.tsinghua.ed

Dear Dr. David P. Anderson,

Thank You for the E-mail.

May I come with a suggest:

If I was an alien, I would know, that other aliens allways are listning into
the Center of our Galaxy, because the probability-of-Contact is highest on
this position. Therefore I will - first of all - send a message out to their
(our) positions. I will expect, that they (You) are listning on ALL-time
(local: 24 hours/day). My message will therefore be - first off all - a
identification-of-Intelligence, so that they (You) will know, that I am
  A dead stone can NOT find out the mathematics constant Phi (22/7) be
itself. The constant is the beginning of all mathematics. Therefore I will
use this simple constant to tell You "I AM (ALIVE)".

I can send my message out in two ways:

(I will allways use the Frequency around 1,420 GHz, because this frequency
is coming from Hydrogen, the first atom, the beginning)

Time = 0 ............ (1. impulse)
Time = 1 ............ (2. impulse)
Time = Phi (22/7) (3. impulse)

Time = 0 (1. impulse at 1,420 GHz)
Time = 0 (2. impulse at 1,420 GHz * Phi)
Time = 0 (2. impulse at 1,420 GHz / Phi)

I will use the first syntax, because I know, You only have one "ear", one
frequency around 1,420 GHz.


I have other "customers" (I still do not know Your existence; I just hope).
Therefore I must also CALL them up (around Your area). This will take a
time, but I will CALL You up again, after a while (My "phone"-call can come
after a hour, a day, a week, a mounth or a year) - Please "HANG ON".

I will use the same syntax to CALL UP an other Galaxy (like Andromeda, M31).

My message could be ...

Input memory from file 0227:
(2002-12-09, Monday, CET 12:55)

The Song of the Bride (5104 bits)

The number on left (begin 1000) is not a part of the code:

1 bit=1
2 bit=0
3 bit=0

1000 10000000010000001100000
1001 00010000010100000011000
1002 00111000000000000000000
1003 00010000000011000001110
1004 00000001000011110000000
1005 01000000000001000001001
1006 10001011100010000100101
1007 11100100000101000000000
1008 00010010000010100001101
1009 00000011000010110000011
1010 10000000000000000000000
1011 00100100000110000000000
1012 00110000000000000000100
1013 00000100100100000000001
1014 00000010000110100100100
1015 00000001100000010000110
1016 10010010010100100000000
1017 01100000010000110100100
1018 10100001100101001000000
1019 00011000000010000000101
1020 00100000000011000000010
1021 00000000100100000000011
1022 00000001000000100000000
1023 00000001100000001000000
1024 10000110100000001001001
1025 00000000000100000100010
1026 10100001101000011000000
1027 00010100000001000000100
1028 00000000000001100000100
1029 01010100100100000000011
1030 10000001100000010100100
1031 00000000001000011100000
1032 11010000000000001001000
1033 01001101010010010000000
1034 00010100001001000001010
1035 01000000000110100001000
1036 10100100101001100000001
1037 01010011000000110000000
1038 00000000110000110100001
1039 00010100100101011001010
1040 00101010101010100110101
1041 01000101001101010000000
1042 00101100001010000001100
1043 00001010000000000000111
1044 00001011000001100000000
1045 10000000000001111000010
1046 11000011100000000000000
1047 00010001111000011100000
1048 00000000100010000000100
1049 01110000000000000010010
1050 00101100001011001010000
1051 00101000001110000010010
1052 00010000000011001000111
1053 10000010000001100100100
1054 10100110110101011101011
1055 11101010000110100000000
1056 00101000011100000100000
1057 01011100101111001111110
1058 01000001010000000010101
1059 00011110000100011101111
1060 00101100010100100101000
1061 00000011010001111000000
1062 11000010101010111100100
1063 10000001110010100010101
1064 00000000111010001111000
1065 00010000001010000111010
1066 01000110010000000000011
1067 00000001000001000000101
1068 00001010110101101101000
1069 00000100110001011000000
1070 01000010110001011100011
1071 11100010000100100000000
1072 01011000011100000001000
1073 01001000101010001110100
1074 01001100010000000011011
1075 00011110000011000000001
1076 00000001000010010101010
1077 10101100111010101110111
1078 01110100111101000000000
1079 01110000111000011100000
1080 00010000010110011101100
1081 10011100100000000101110
1082 00101000000110000011100
1083 00011100000111000001001
1084 00001001101001001010101
1085 11101011111011111110100
1086 00001100000000011110000
1087 00010001000111000010000
1088 10011001000000001111100
1089 01111000000110000000100
1090 10000100101101010100110
1091 10100000000000001001111
1092 00000010101001100000100
1093 10000001100000000000010
1094 00010000000100001010101
1095 01010100010101011101010
1096 00010010100001010000000
1097 00100010011110000101000
1098 00111000010001000100000
1099 00011000100000010001010
1100 00001010000101100001000
1101 00000001001001000100011
1102 10000001010000101010010
1103 11010010000000010100100
1104 10001000100100000110101
1105 00101000010010000011010
1106 10001110101000100101001
1107 00110001101010011011100
1108 11010010110100000000011
1109 00100111100000010101001
1110 10000001011010011000001
1111 00100000000000011100100
1112 01100100001010101010101
1113 00101101001101010110110
1114 10001010101110110100011
1115 10100000000000101001001
1116 01100100000001000110010
1117 00110110001100010011000
1118 00000010010100011000001
1119 11000000110000001100000
1120 11100000001010101000011
1121 01000101010000110000000
1122 00010101000001010011000
1123 11010010100101010100000
1124 00001101010001010100110
1125 01010010101000010011000
1126 00000000110100100110101
1127 00010100101101001001010
1128 11001010001010100000000
1129 01011010000110100110010
1130 10001010101001101000101
1131 01000000000011101001011
1132 01001000101010000110100
1133 01010100001100101101001
1134 00101001001010010100001
1135 10010101101001000101010
1136 00110010000000001111010
1137 00111010010011010010101
1138 00100010100000000000001
1139 10011110100111101001111
1140 01001000000100000000100
1141 01100101101001000101010
1142 00011010001010100001100
1143 10110101001001001001010
1144 01000110010010100100011
1145 01100101000010000001010
1146 10101100100000000001001
1147 10010001100100110100101
1148 01001000101000000000110
1149 01100111101001111010001
1150 00110001000001000000000
1151 01011001111010001001100
1152 11110100101000010000000
1153 01010110010110100110010
1154 10110110101101101001100
1155 00010101010001110100000
1156 00000110110010101100100
1157 11010100010101101101010
1158 10101000101010001110100
1159 00000001110110001101100
1160 10001010100100100101101
1161 00100101001001010010100
1162 00000000000001110011101
1163 10000111010010101001000
1164 10100000000010011100111
1165 10100111101000001110011
1166 00000100000000010111000
1167 11011001000101001010000
1168 01011010110100100100101
1169 01000011001001010100001
1170 10000000001101110001011
1171 10000111010010101001000
1172 10100000000000111100111
1173 10100111101001101110000
1174 10000100000000000000001
1175 01111000100100001001000
1176 00000000101111001010000
1177 01110000010010000001000
1178 00111000000101000000000
1179 00000000000011111000100
1180 11000001110011110100100
1181 11001000000001111110011
1182 11010000011100111101001
1183 00100010000000000000010
1184 11110100111101001111010
1185 01000000100000000100000
1186 10111101001111010001001
1187 10001000001000000000111
1188 11101101110011011100000
1189 11100111111010000000011
1190 11111011011100110111001
1191 10111000000001100000000
1192 00000001000000001000000
1193 10001110011110100010011
1194 00010001010000000001000
1195 00100011100010011001111
1196 01001010010100000000110
1197 00001000111000100110001
1198 00110001100101000000000
1199 00000000010000101001100
1200 00011100111101001111010
1201 01111010011110100010011
1202 00000111001111010011110
1203 10001001100111101000001
1204 11000100110001001100000
1205 00000001000010001101000
1206 00001000011010001000100
1207 11001010000000000100001
1208 01111000010010000111100
1209 01100010000000000101000
1210 01010010000111100011000
1211 10000000000000000001000
1212 00000000000000011000000
1213 11000000010000011111001
1214 01110110011101000111000
1215 00101000001010000010100
1216 00110110000000000000000
1217 00100000000000000111000
1218 10101001100111011010100
1219 11011001110100101101100
1220 11100000010001101100011
1221 101000010110011111100

last bit=0

1 bit/day    =   5104 days = 13,97 years
1 bit/week = 35728 days = 97,82 years

Searchstring "Phi" at ...
Center of our Galaxy
180° out from our Galaxy in our direction
NGC 205
Pulse-delta (1-3) un-known (expected >1 second, many "customers").

Wish You all good hunting!

Interrupt H-2304 over-and-out.

Yours respectfully
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Open letter to Dr. David P. Anderson, Project Director, SETI - suggest

DADDY-Break (2003-03-16, CET 13:59):
- "Det skal du (SETI via global astronomy)"

This file has been send to

Please cut-off the newsgroups, You do NOT want to talk with!

Time for OUTPUT:
2003-03-16, Sunday, CET 15:03
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 130/2572 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^

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