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發信人: physbook.bbs@ptt.cc (物理課本) 看板: astronomy
標  題: [討論] NASA將針對最近發現的不明物體召開記者會
發信站: 批踢踢實業 (2010/11/14 Sun 23:21:30)

NASA Announces Televised Chandra News Conference


WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday,
Nov. 15, to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery of an exceptional
object in our cosmic neighborhood.

The news conference will originate from NASA Headquarters' television studio,
300 E St. SW in Washington and carried live on NASA TV.

Media representatives may attend the conference, join by phone or ask
questions from participating NASA locations. To RSVP or obtain dial-in
information, journalists must send their name, affiliation and telephone
number to Trent Perrotto at: trent.j.perrotto@nasa.gov by 10 a.m. EST on Nov.
15. Reporters wishing to attend the conference in-person must have a valid
press credential for access. Non-U.S. media also must bring passports.

Scientists involved in the research will be available to answer questions.
Panelists providing analysis of the research include:
- Jon Morse, director, Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters in Washington
- Kimberly Weaver, astrophysicist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
- Alex Filippenko, astrophysicist, University of California, Berkeley

NASA將在台灣時間11/16 01:30舉行記者會,以對近期Chandra望遠鏡所觀測到位於離地球不

NASA 網路電視也將同步轉播,網址:http://www.nasa.gov/ntv



- 研究領導人 Jon Morse,NASA華盛頓總部  太空物理學家

- Kimberly Weaver,NASA哥達德太空飛行中心  太空物理學家

- Alex Filippenko,加州大學柏克萊分校  太空物理學家

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
physbook:大家對此事件有什麼看法,一起討論吧                     11/14 23:10
※ 編輯: physbook        來自:       (11/14 23:21)
※ 編輯: physbook        來自:       (11/14 23:21)
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