看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐 板主: prajna |
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作者: Tyler (泰勒德頓) 看板: BudaSitting 標題: 略述毗缽舍那-17 時間: Thu Dec 19 01:35:50 2002 Mindfulness is participatory observation. The meditator is both participant and observer at one and the same time. If one watches one's emotions or physical sensations, one is feeling them at that very same moment. Mindfulness is not an intellectual awareness. It is just awareness. The mirror-thought metaphor breaks down here. Mindfulness is objective, but it is not cold or unfeeling. It is the wakeful experience of life, an alert participation in the ongoing process of living. 正念是參與性的「觀察」,禪修者同時既是參與者也是觀察者。他觀察自己的感情與 動作,而同時去感受它們。正念並非思考的覺知,它只是知道,就如同鏡子物來則應 般地反射。正念是客觀的,但不是冷漠或無感情。正念是清醒地體驗生活,是生命過 程中覺醒的參與者。 ∼待續∼ -- 卍 獅子吼站 板面介紹: cbs.ntu.edu.tw ☉ 健康飲食 - 養生要訣, 素餐好康倒相報. BudaFood |
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