◎ Beowulf ◎ |
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發信人: Being@Lion (Being) on board 'SunRise' 標 題: Beowulf 發信站: 獅子吼站 (Sun Nov 8 12:28:43 1998) When he boasts, Beowulf not only is demonstrating that he has chosen the heric way of life is also choosing it, because when he invokes his former courage as pledge of his future, his boast becomes a vow;the hero has put himself in a positionfrom which he cannot withdraw. 相信嗎,這是開學到現在第二次讀英史(以後要多念) 發現社團很多人對英文蠻有興趣,雖然我頗混 不過光是上課也能聽到一些不錯的東西 P在網上給大家參考參考 以上這段文字,是在評論”吹牛”這件事 吹牛在一般人眼裡好像是見愚蠢的事 不謙虛,自以為了不起 但在中世紀,英雄都愛說大話 吹牛對他們來說不完全是自我表現 反倒是,自我期許 話一說出口,就沒有退路,就必須卯足全力完成 蠻特別的! have a nice mood:) 願我充滿慈愛之心 -- Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 |
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