◎ Michel de Montaigne ◎ |
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發信人: Being@Lion (Being) on board 'SunRise' 標 題: Michel de Montaigne 發信站: 獅子吼站 (Fri Oct 30 14:14:27 1998) 今天上蒙田的文章 一方面覺得很有趣,一方面覺得很累 有趣 是覺得在文藝復興時代能看到這種反理性 重視自然的文章,學的很特別 累,是覺得加了一層文字的障礙很難真正瞭解作者的心意 譬如,在" of the inconsistency of our actions"述 nothing is harder for me than to believe in men's consistency, nothing easier than to believe in their inconsistency. 而在"of cannibal "中又表示 they are still in that happy state of desiring only as much as their" natural needs". 蒙田主張自然主義,卻又不認為事情NATURE是和諧的 再如,蒙田表示 " Like the puppets we are moved by outside string" " we are carried away, like floating object" 我聯想到緣起,無主宰 老師則著重在被社會DESIRE左右 再如,蒙田引用 " do we not see all humans unaware Of what they want, and always searching everywhere And changing place, as if to drop the load they bear." 老師問我們"為什麼用load" 有人說是順從社會DESIRE所造成的壓力 老師說是自己不知自己DESIRE的壓力 而我是根本聽不懂問題所在 ..... 有點無聊 當作是消遣吧 願我充滿慈愛之心 have a nice mood:) -- Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 |
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