佛光大辭典 (慈怡法師主編)
比爾(Beal Samuel, 1825~1889)英國宣教師與佛教學者。自劍橋大學畢業後,即任海軍布教師。嘗至中國,從事中國之宗教與佛教之研究。歸國後,擔任倫敦大學教授(1877),發表甚多有關漢譯經典、中國佛教之論著,為研究中國佛教之先驅者,功績頗著。其主要著作有:Travels of Fa-Hian and Sung Yun, Buddhist pilgrims from China to India, 1869;Catena of Buddhist scriptures from the Chinese, 1871;The Buddhist Tripitaka as it is known in China and Japan, 1876;On Buddhist Literature in China, 1882;Fā-hien's Fo-kue-ki(法顯傳,即佛國記),1866;Si-yu-ki, the Records of the Western Kingdoms(西域記),1884; A life of Hsyan-tsiang(玄奘),1888;The Fo-sho-hing-tsanking, a life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva(佛所行讚),1883. p1482